What is the hottest product in the world?

What is the hottest product in the world?
Question: What is the hottest product or food in the world?
Answer: The spicy substance in chili is called Capsaicin and is measured in Scoville Units (Info on the measuring process). The red Tabasco sauce from McIlhenny has, for example, 2,500 Scoville Units, Habanero Chilies 200,000 SHU, Bhut Jolokia Chilies up to 1 million units. The table ends with 16 million Scoville Units, which corresponds to pure Capsaicin.
Pure Capsaicin, a white crystalline powder, is therefore the hottest product in the world.
On 16 October 2023, it was officially announced that there is a new world record for "The hottest chilli in the world".
Like the Carolina Reaper with 1.64 million Scoville, which held the world record for over 10 years, the new world record holder also comes from the PuckerButt Pepper Company in the USA. The new Pepper X was also bred by the founder and head of the company, Ed Currie, and his team.
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Das schärfste Produkt
https://www.amazon.de/357-Mad-Dog-Plutonium-Scoville/dp/B00IIUEOEW das extrakt mit dem Namen "Mad Dog No.9 Plutonium" ist meines wissend das Schärfste Produkt auf der Welt was es zu kaufen gibt mit Milden 9 Millionen Scovile einheiten ;)