Authentic Pizza

Authentic Pizza
Recipe for a perfect Neapolitan pizza as it is sold in Campania on every corner
For the dough
1 kg Italian pizza flour type 00
1/2 packet fresh yeast
500 ml of warm water
1 pinch of salt
Olive oil
For the sauce and topping
1200 g of San Marzano tomatoes, drained
150 g black olives, cored, cut into fine slices
160 g of anchovy fillets
150 g salami in fine slices
1 onion, very fine rings
2-3 Mozzarella
2 cloves of garlic, peeled and finely sliced
1 pinch of salt
Olive oil
dried oregano
Knead all dough ingredients for 10 minutes by hand or in the food processor. Cover the dough with a damp kitchen towel and let it rise in a cool place (15°C, e.g. in the cellar) for 24 hours. The dough is particularly elastic due to the pizza flour (type 00) with a high protein content and can be extremely thinly rolled without tearing. The dough should also be salty enough, so that the pizza gets really tasty.
Then sprinkle a working surface generously with flour and roll out or shape the dough. Its elasticity makes it easy to lift and pull it at the edges. There must be enough flour on the work surface so that the dough does not stick and slips.
For the topping, stir the tomatoes in a pan with oregano, garlic, salt, pepper and some sugar and cook for about 30 minutes. Spread evenly over the dough. Garnish with olives, salami, onions, anchovies, garlic and mozzarella (torn in small pieces). Season with salt and generously sprinkle with olive oil.
For best results, baking is best in a pizza oven or in a special oven for tarte flambée. For this you have to place the dough on a board, which is covered with hard wheat flour, and then let it slip into the preheated oven at 250-300°C. Another possibility is to obtain a heat-resistant, food-safe fire-clay brick in the building supplies store and place it in the common oven. This must also be pre-heated to maximum heat. If you do not have these options, place the pizza on a baking sheet on baking paper and bake it in the oven at maximum heat.
The pizza is ready when the dough is golden brown and crispy. Serve immediately.
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Noch besser wird er so
Gutes Grundrezept, zu dem ich gerne mein Lieblingsrezept ergänze: Rezept wie genannt, aber nur 3g Hefe (reicht aus und der Teig schmeckt dann nicht nach Hefe). Teig 8+ Stunden bei Raumtemperatur gehen lassen. Bei mehr als 24 Stunden im Kühlschrank gehen lassen. Wer keinen Backofen hat, der 300 oder mehr Grad schafft, fügt 30-50g Zucker zum Teig (schmeckt man nicht), dann wird eher schön kross und braun am Rand.