T-bone Steaks for Chiliheads
Recipe for hot and tender grilled T-bone Steaks
It is not that difficult to grill a steak: you need a good and tender piece of meat that needs to be grilled over a very high heat. After grilling the steak must rest a little so that the meat juices can run through the whole piece.
T-bones with their t-shaped bone are cut from the middle-to-rib end of the loin. It is one of the tastiest cuts of beef, since it provides both the strong aroma of roast beef (the majority) and the tenderness of the fillet.
Ingredients (4 servings):
4 T-bone steaks (each at least 2,5 cm thick, approx. 350 g)
Coarse salt, freshly ground black pepper
2-3 tbsp. Mustard flour
2-3 tbsp. Tabasco or any Hot Sauce you prefer
Season the steaks generously on both sides with salt, pepper and mustard flour. Drizzle them with the Tabasco Sauce and let them rest while you set up the grill for direct grilling and preheat to high temperature.
Brush and oil the grill grate. Arrange the steaks on the grate placing it on a diagonal to the bars. Grill for about 3 minutes, then rotate the steak a quarter turn to create an attractive crosshatch of grill marks; grill for 2 to 3 minutes more. Turn the steak over and grill for about 3 minutes, then rotate a quarter turn and finish cooking to the desired doneness. The internal temperature when read on an instant read meat thermometer should be 140 to 145 degrees F for medium-rare.
Transfer the steaks to a warm platter or plate and let rest for 3 minutes before serving.
Tip: You can also use other kinds of steak this way: Sirloin, Rib Eye or even tuna or salmon steaks.
Photo credits: Fotolia - #77689412 - T-Bone Steak © Dani Vincek
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