Make your own Chili Salt

Make your own Chili Salt
Recipe for making chili salt - tips and tricks
For chili salt you only need 2 ingredients: Salt and Chillies. We recommend coarse sea salt und chillies with a lot of flavour. Please do not use any old dried chillies or low-quality fresh ones.
Chili salt made from fresh chillies
Depending on your desired level of spiciness, use chillies with an intense flavour, as this flavour will find its way into the salt. Self-cultivated Habanero chillies directly from the plant taste much better than chillies flown over from foreign lands. We also offer early chili plants if you would like to cultivate your own chillies. Wash the chillies and if necessary remove their seeds (these contain the most spiciness), as without seeds the chili salt will taste much better. Chop the chillies as fine as possible, and mix them with the salt. Use approx. 1-2 chillies per 100g of salt. The salt quickly absorbs moisture from the chillies and becomes sticky. Distribute the mix onto a baking tray and dry everything at 100 °C until the desired level of dryness is reached. The chili salt can be stored for a long time, as the salt works as a preservative. It depends on you and your intended purpose (e.g. salt grinder) how dry your chili salt should be.
Chili salt from dried chillies
You will need sufficient moisture to create a symbiosis between the salt and the chillies. If you make chili salt from dried chillies, you should add some water to ensure a slightly sticky salt-chili-mixture. This should then be dried in the oven as described above. You can make chili salt from dried chillies, but fresh chillies ensure a better chili flavour, in particular self-cultivated chillies, which have a fantastic flavour.
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Habe es zum Schlus gemahlen
Habe alle Schritte identisch gemacht, dann in einer elektrischen Kaffeemühle alles gemahlen. Sah zwar dann wie roter Puderzucker aus, war aber fantastisch scharf und miteinander verbunden.
Funktioniert super
Ich einen Tipp, um es zu vereinfachen: die Chilies einfrieren, im Mixer zerkleinern, das grobe Salz dazu. Dann auf einem mit Backpapier ausgelegten Backblech in die Sonne stellen: ein paar Stunden - fertig. Ging diesen Sommer wunderbar, hab Salz für die nächsten Jahrzehnte. Damit kann man die eingefrorenen Reste des letzten Jahre auch noch gut verarbeiten.
Chili Salz
Habe es mit grünen Chilis von der eigenen Pflanze versucht und ein überragendes Ergebnis bekommen .:) Kann es nur empfehlen